Thursday, March 18, 2010

the short term and long term effects of huffing airdusterda

Short term:

dizzyness, feeling of happines or mixed emotions,euphoria,numbness,slurred speach, uncontrollable laughter,throat infections, nosebleeds,violent behavior,unconsiosness,a loss of self control,uncontrollable vomiting,a loss of breath,headaches,abdominal pain,limb spasams,lack of coordinatiobn,loss of control, hallucinations,impaired judgements.

Alot of children who do air duster usually have the need to have a sense of cool or fitting in are unknowingly doing harm to their bodies.

long term:

weight loss,fatigue,eloectrolyte imbalance,muscle fatigue,permemnant damage to your nervouse system[brain] liver and kidneys, damage to your bone marrow and blood,muscle weakness,depression,lack of coordination. DEATH!

Yes even death is a possibilty and it's very common. In fact statistics show that one child dies every minute from inhaling airduster. Some causes are complete muscle shutdown, passing out from lack of oxygen, and lung combustion.

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